Prayer of Consecration to the Queen and Mother of the End Times
(Taken from the novena)

Reina y Madre de los Ultimos Tiempos

Queen and Mother of the End Times,
I am your child, receive me, I give to You my life
and in Your Hands, I place my will,
all I have and all I am, my aspirations, desires and projects.

Take away from me all attachment to material things,
so that I will look for possessions
which cannot be seen because they are spiritual.

I consecrate my life to You today, Queen and Mother,
I freely surrender to Your Protection
in such difficult instants in which I live,
be the Ark that will lead me to remain afloat
without sinking in the middle of the purification.

May the Rays from Your Hands enlighten my mind,
my thoughts and my memories that they be healed,
my sufferings, so that I offer it and my falls,
so that You will lift me.
Illuminate my reason so that it does not compete with my faith,
but one be the light of the other.

I consecrate myself to You and surrender to You
within the freedom of the God´s children.