New York’s Abortion Law: Genocide of Unborn Human Beings Approved

At the end of January, the state of New York, USA, passed a new legislation that encourages the genocide of unborn human beings, the most defenseless humans.

The law makes use of the rhetoric imposed by the religion of Freemasonrythe satanist religion that simulates being not a religion– already seen in various countries, avoiding referring to the death caused to unborn human beings and instead referring to the alleged rights of women in relation to their “reproductive health” as well to the woman’s “welfare” to decide for her and for the father, what she wants to do with the human life she begot. It has also been seen in the debates the reference to abortion as an issue of “public health” something that freemasons have already been spreading throughout the continent and had been seen in debates in other American countries.

Under this legislation any health-care practitioner, even those that aren’t doctors, can perform an abortion to a woman who so requests based on health reasons. Now these reasons can be not only physical (life of the woman being at risk), but be as broad as emotional reasons, psychological, familial, and even the age of the woman can enable the procedure of the abortion whatever the week of gestation of that human being.

Brainwashing: freemasonry wants to tell you what is true and what isn’t. At least we know why they released the “fake news” movement beforehand.

On the other hand, the law also removes the criminalization of abortion, taking it out from the Criminal Code of the State, thereby promoting genocide while trying to make society believe that it is not a crime, but just a medical procedure.

However, since IT IS a crime against humanity and against human life, the perpetrators (Freemasons) of legislating the genocide of the unborn could be subsequently bringed to justice without time prescription limits.

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